
"So how'd he do it?!?"

The first 5 days of my engagement have been a whirl wind. I have been so happy these last few days not many things could break my good mood...except the news I received tonight, but lets keep this post happy shall we??

While we were over in Seattle we were walking into every retail store imaginable including jewelry stores, but we weren't looking for engagement rings (well it sounds like he secretly was) we were looking for a new set of earrings for Jocelyn. We were never in the stores for more than 3-4 minutes, but as I was walking through Ben Bridge I saw this gorgeous sapphire engagement ring. 2 years ago I went to a wedding where the groom was Australian. I didn't have a date so I was put at a table full of Australians because the bride knew I would be able to make conversation with anyone. Every lady at that table was married and they all had beautiful wedding rings, but NONE of them had diamond engagement rings; They had sapphires/rubies/emeralds/etc. Well the conversation got brought up of course as I was oogling over their rings and we determined that America was the only country that seems to demand a diamond for an engagement. Ever since that moment I has been obsessed with not doing an ordinary diamond (it definitely helped that all the ladies rings were drop dead gorgeous). Needless to say in the last 6 months i'm sure ole Zach has listened to that story at least a dozen times! Hey sometimes you really have to burn the stuff into mens brains for them to get it.
Zach would not own up to how he managed to get a hold of the ring for the LONGEST time...and by longest I mean like 5 hours ha. We were together all day so it blew my mind that he was able to purchase the ring without me seeing. He lucked out because we were in downtown Seattle. 95% of the stores downtown do not have public restrooms. Well we have a 2 yr old who is completely potty trained so when she would have to go to the bathroom we would sometimes have to run blocks with her to get her to one. There were a few times and I mean few times that we were shopping and instead of both of us dropping what were were doing just one of us would grab Joc and take her. Even when they were blocks away I don't think it ever took more then 10-15 minutes, but he pulled it off somehow during one of those times. Props to Downtown Seattle Ben Bridge for that speedy transaction. It definitely worked out that the ring fit me perfectly.
After a very active day and right before Jocelyn fell fast asleep I ran down to the corner market and grabbed a bottle of wine so we could have some while watching a movie in the room. Well while I was gone Zach "set up" the room. It definitely helped that we had an AMAZING room. We were in the corner so an entire wall was a huge window that led out to a little balcony and we had a perfect view of the Space Needle. Well anyways I come walking through the door to Zach and Joc on their knees by the window.
Lets get one thing straight I REALLLLLYYY felt like when the time came I would know it was coming. I felt pretty damn confident in that so this completely knocked me on my butt in the surprise department. I honestly think I just stood there frozen for a solid 15 seconds...which is probably a VERRRRYYY long time for someone on their knees proposing. I finally was able to talk and all I could say over and over again was "are you serious?" "I don't understand are you serious?" I finally got over my shock and then was finally able to give the poor man a yes. I don't think I have ever been stunned to silence before in my life so that was a first teeheehee I sure pick great times. I spent the next 2 hours sitting on the hotel bed taking pictures of my ring and squealing like a little girl.
Soooooo here are some pictures of my awesome ring!


  1. Think my favorite part was Zach and Joc were both on their knees!! Awwwweeee so precious.. I knew Zach was devious and sneaky Hahah I'm so happy for all three of you!! I love you all and loved reading this.. I actually heard your voice saying it as I read :) Congratulations love!

  2. LOVED your blog... I am so glad Zach was able to surprise you!! You have such a great story to remember! He did GOOD! I love your ring... I have always loved sapphires!

    Congratulations again and I hope you will ALL be as happy as you are now!!

    Love you guys,

    Grandma Linda
