
Idiot and Idiot wife

Today is apparently a multiple post kind of day. I am beyond sick still and at this point probably need to go to the Dr myself and take Jocelyn back because the first person didn't do a darn thing and she has been sick for far too long. The only reason this post is being written is probably due to my sickness and therefore lack of "putting up with idiots" ability. After Jocelyn's nap I decided I just couldn't live without DayQuil and NyQuil any longer so I loaded us up and we ran to Safeway. Well just because I feel horrible (nothing to do with the day or time obviously) Safeway was PACKED. I ended up waiting in a huge line just for my dinky two products and got stuck behind the biggest idiot on the planet. Okay sadly he isn't the biggest idiot on the planet which is a shame. This is the conversation I overheard and inevitably ended up sticking my two cents into.

"I am so tired of always hearing about how the schools want more money. Teachers have such an easy job and then they complain we only pay them so much. They don't even work a full year and they want a full years pay! Its outrageous!" -idiot

"It's because they feel they are more than just teachers" "They need to realize all we want them to do is teach our kids numbers and letters"-idiots wife

"Exactly they want the pay of a psychologist; they aren't doctors, they aren't lawyers, they just don't matter as much as they think they do" -idiot

and....this is when I snapped. Again, any other day I could have probably endured another 5 minutes waiting in line listening to these idiots talk, but not today. I set both my DayQuil and NyQuil on the shelf by all the gums and went off on them.

"Sir do you remember any teachers from your childhood? Can you recall any of their names or anything about them?" -me

"Well of course I do I'm not senile I had Mr BLANK (Can not recall his name to save my life)in 5th grade he was awesome he read us The Hobbit I can still remember sitting around in a circle listening to his voice" -idiot

"O O I had Mrs Carner (sp?) in High School she was amazing the most sweet and caring woman I have ever met; she was so sweet that she would stay late every day after school and help who ever needed it...even if it was in a different subject." -idiot wife

I am not even joking this is what came out of their mouth. At this point they not only answered my question, but fed right into exactly where I was going with my comment. I was almost too shocked to even reply I just couldn't believe they fed into my plan THAT perfectly.

"Now do you remember your childhood Dr? Do you remember the first tax accountant you ever went to? What about any lawyers you may have used during your 20's?" -me

*awkward silence* Now the man finally seems to see where I'm going with this and he motioned for his wife to keep quiet

"No? hmm that's strange because if they were so important to your childhood development you think you would have remembered more about them? It is even more strange that these "number and letter teachers" are so prominent in your memory. BUT those are memories for you...it is super common to completely forget about the important people in your life but remember those damn number and letter people!! Damn minds!" -me

And at that point I turned around and walked away, but I did get the gratitude of witnessing all the bystanders in line and they all had grins from ear to ear.

I never did get my DayQuil though :-(

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