
Viva La Vegas

Zach and I have decided to get married in Vegas! The idea came to us as a joke, but it stuck and by the time we sat down and actually talked it through it didn't seem like such a crazy idea. We got engaged this spring and very quickly had to continuously make sacrifices. We were being told from every angle what we "should have" "can't have" should do" and "shouldn't do" and very quickly were both so overwhelmed (ok I was the biggest one overwhelmed). We had changed our wedding date 5 different times because it didn't work for one person or another and had changed the idea of our wedding I can't even tell you how many times. I was over at my parents house venting about how over the wedding I already was and I made the joke "I'm about ready to just hop on a plane and elope in Vegas" expecting it to be nothing other than a joke. My mom laughed but my dad told me it sounded like a great idea. His approval of it kind of surprised me, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. I went home and Zach and I talked about it; He was completely game for it. Our good friend Krista told us we should get together and pick as a couple what the 3 most important things are to us about our up coming wedding. So in our Vegas discussion we also came up with those three things; honeymoon, clothes, and food. Yup that was our list... Interesting right? Neither of us cared about flowers, colors, venue, having 150+ guests....it just doesn't matter to us. After making that list the Vegas idea made even more sense. I talked to a couple of my close friends and they had nothing but positive things about the idea and after that I was completely sold on the idea. 

I purchased my wedding dress earlier this month and it has kind of thrown off my entire plan for the wedding. My original thought was to buy a very flashy dress...I mean I am getting married in Vegas! So that gave me the idea for the dresses for my bridesmaids...the feel of the whole thing. Well......so much for that. At the Bridal shop I was trying on very Vegas like dresses when a random dress caught my eye. It was nothing that the bridal consultant would have ever grabbed for me but something just made me ask to try it on. What do you know that is the one that I bought! So now I am sitting here realizing that the flashy dresses I had in mind for all of my girls...probably aren't going to go together all that well. Really girls if you have an idea of what you want to wear...nows the time to speak up. 

It has been a great experience so far. The trip for any guests wanting to go won't end up being all that expensive and it saves you from having to get us a gift (much to Zach's dismay). Any guests will get a good discount on their room at the Casino and we are all set to buy airline tickets when they go on special. It is definitely nice to know that all of the people closest to us are supportive and are up for the idea. We will have way more people there then we had anticipated. 



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