
My Story Part II

At this point my divorce was final and I was getting ready to plan my baby girl's first bday. I was and had been living with my parents and relying on their help, a lot, when it came to Jocelyn. Work was going great and I was quickly on my way to being promoted. I was dominating the sales goals and rocking it to the top of the lists. In the fall I finally started to consider dating. I had been completely avoiding it up until then. It may be the only time since I was 16 that I was single and actually happy about it. There were a few guys that seemed to be interested, but even then I wasn't able to fully commit to the idea of a relationship and would usually find some sort of a fault on their end. The very end of October I was promoted to personal banker and started my fun 6-week training in Spokane. Met some awesome people all of which are now no longer with Wells Fargo (the first two didn't even make it 3 months). When I came back in November I met the most ridiculous, full of himself man they had hired to replace me on the teller line. We clashed and irritated the hell out of each other. He thought I was a man hating bitch and I thought he was the biggest slime ball player I had ever met. Our working relationship kept its distance in the beginning and then slowly worked into a sort of friendship...and by friendship I mean when we made fun of each other we didn't take it to heart anymore. I turned 21 and invited everyone down for my birthday celebration and he was the only one who came down...granted he showed up with two girls and only stayed for 15 minutes, but hey I was wasted. That next week we had our work Christmas party and it took off from there. That entire week a couple of our work friends James and Krista and repeatedly told us that we would end up hooking up, but I was convinced it wouldn't happen. -apparently Zach thought it was going to be a nice little one night stand- Gee thanks honey! The Christmas party was a lot of drinking, that branch can sure put their wine back and before you know it my "man hating" attitude turned into flirtation. Everyone went out after that, but I had a baby to go home to and wasn't able to make it out. I honestly think had I went out that night it very well may have only ended up being a one night stand. We ended up hanging out a couple times after that and finally made it official on new years eve...which by the way was our WORST date ever. Scratch that, it was the worst date I had ever been on Period. Chalk that up to me being a very forgiving person, ha!

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